Two new books in Greek by mέta’s series with TOPOS books

After the publication of the Greek translations of The Precariat (Guy Standing) and No Bosses (Michael Albert), the collaboration between TOPOS Publications and mέta in the mέta | Centre for Postcapitalist Civilisation series continues, with the publication of two new, original books in Greek that are already available in bookstores:
The End of the Great Deviation: From Ukraine and the pandemic to the New Global Order | Dimitris V. Peponis
Author: Dimitris V. Peponis
Edited by Sotiris Mitralexis & Stefanos Reppas
published in Greek in TOPOS Books’ mέta series
What kind of world will we live in? What era is dawning before us?
We are living through the sunset of a world order and the dawn of a new macro-historical cycle.
Taking the war in Ukraine and the crisis of the pandemic as its starting point, the book outlines the shaping of a new global order and discusses the completion of three different and partly overlapping historical cycles: the post-Cold War order (1991-), the post-war world (1945-) and a great era of human history (19th century-), the ‘Age of the Great Deviation’. By the middle of the 21st century, and with 2037 as a landmark year, the three historical cycles that have defined the metamorphoses of order during the last two centuries will have been completed: the Great Deviation will expire.
From history to political geography, from the completion of the American hegemonic period to the return of Asia, from technology to demography, and from modernity to postsecularism, this book attempts a long-range dissection of developments, with the aim of providing a tool for understanding the world-historical changes taking place on the cusp of the end of an era and the beginning of a new macro-historical cycle.
The 1981 Elections: assessing a crucial milestone in Greece’s recent history
Vassilis Asimakopoulos, Sissy Velissariou, Yannis Mavris, Chrysanthos Tassis
Testimony: Dimitris Livieratos
Intervention: Yanis Varoufakis
Edited by Kostas Raptis & Sotiris Mitralexis

published in Greek in TOPOS Books’ mέta series
18 October 2021 marked exactly forty years since PASOK’s first electoral victory. The “Change” of 1981 was the event that marked the Third Greek Republic like few others.
The limits, contradictions, integration and subsequent degeneration of PASOK (a journey that was less short than that of SYRIZA) and ultimately its actual death in the era of the memoranda do not negate the need to reflect on the post-metapolitefsi period as a whole, to reflect on the timeliness of the claims for national independence, popular sovereignty and social justice and, of course, to confront, in today’s very different circumstances, the question of claiming the socialist transformation that was posed at the beginning of the post-independence period by an ever-expanding section of Greek society.
In this book, Vassilis Asimakopoulos, Sissy Velissariou, Yannis Mavris and Chrysanthos Tassis – together with the testimony of Dimitris Livieratos and the intervention of Yannis Varoufakis – attempt an anatomy of the past with an eye to today and tomorrow.