The Organisation of Social Reproduction in a Postcapitalist Participatory Economy | Savvina Chowdhury
The Centre for Postcapitalist Civilisation, mέta, presents Savvina Chowdhury’s mέta Working Paper entitled The Organisation of Social Reproduction in a Postcapitalist Participatory Economy (accessible here), part of the “Towards (a Better) Postcapitalism: A Handy How-To Guide” series under “Decision Making.”
DOI: 10.55405/mwp12en
mέta Working Papers’ series “Towards (a Better) Postcapitalism: A Handy How-To Guide” publishes solicited policy papers on aspects of how would a non-dystopian postcapitalism look like. The series focuses on three ‘pillars’:
Production | Allocation | Decision Making
i.e., how could/would postcapitalist production be like (and who would own the means of production), what shape would the allocation of goods take (and which alternatives to the market economy may be explored), and what would be the main tenets of postcapitalist decision making and democracy.
In this paper, Savvina Chowdhury addresses the first pillar: postcapitalist production.
Savvina Chowdhury, PhD, teaches feminist political economy at the Evergreen State College, in Olympia, Washington. She is currently working with youth at a juvenile detention centre and is interested in popular education. Savvina also works with Economics for Everyone, a community-based group that holds free, monthly popular education workshops in downtown Olympia, inviting dialogue and discussion on the historical and contemporary crises of capitalism.