mέta in Cyprus

In a joint mission with the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025 | DiEM25 and the Greek parliamentary political party MeRA25, mέta | the Centre for Postcapitalist Civilisation is pleased to participate in the events that will take place in Cyprus from 23 to 25 November 2022 for the launch of the Cyprus section of DiEM25.
The team that will visit Cyprus includes the chair of mέta’s Steering Committee Danai Stratou, the MP and environmentalist-activist Kriton Arsenis, the coordinator of the Central Committee of MeRA25 Greece Kostas Daskas, the political director of DiEM25 Erik Edman and local representatives of DiEM25 Cyprus and MeRA25 Greece.
The three-day programme includes an open political event with Kriton Arsenis MP as keynote speaker on Wednesday, November 23 (at 19:30) in the amphitheatre hall of the New Library of the University of Cyprus and an open gathering of members and friends of DiEM25 and MeΡΑ25 at the NeMe Arts Center in Limassol on the following day, November 24. There will also be a meeting with environmentalist groups on the Cape Peninsula of Limassol (Lady’s Mile) at noon on Thursday and contacts with the AKEL and Ecologist parliamentary parties on Friday morning in Nicosia.
mέta, which is a partner of both MeRA25 Greece and DiEM25 and Progressive International, undertakes this mission with a lot of expectations – as an opportunity to present the actions of our centre, to explore possible future joint initiatives with our comrades in Cyprus, as well as in underscoring the depth that our political intervention must have, moving along with the struggle in the field of ideas for mapping postcapitalist alternatives. The potential of the radical political, intellectual and artistic mileu of Cyprus gives us hope that our common steps will turn out to be particularly fecund.