Initiatives that highlight mέta’s agenda and engage the public either through established forms of public debate or artistic activities

“A most surprising Anti-War Libertarian-Communist Manifesto”
23/03/2022 // 20:00

Reservations at 210.8847571 (10:00 με 16:00)
The boundaries of political imagination are also those of our struggles for an emancipated society. And nowhere also has the modern world given imagination so much liberty as in aspects of mass culture – not so in the sophisticated one, though.
From the realms of the entertainment industry, often disguised as science fiction, some inspirations spring up occasionally, and they are worthy of our serious political thinking and action, so that we bring back to Earth and our turbulent present the “futuristic visions” that a series like Star Trek placed somewhere in the infinite space.
Being the most influential series of the sci-fi genre worldwide since the ‘60s, Star Trek pioneered the abolition of racial and gender stereotypes on the screen. However, at a closer analysis, it proves to be an excellent guide so that we can envision an alternative societal organization, beyond the present, techno-feudalistic dystopia.
Thus, the Centre for Postcapitalist Civilisation (mέta) is inviting two of the most devoted trekkies in Greece, Yanis Varoufakis and Mithridatis, to present six Star Trek episodes each, commenting on and discussing their political, economic and philosophical content.
This most promising exchange of viewpoints between a music creator and an economist and politician, on the basis of their shared love for Star Trek, will take place live on Wednesday 23rd March 2022, at 20:00, in Trianon Cinema (21 Kodriktonos, Athens, 104 34).
Free admission, according to state covid measures.
mέta team