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mέta – Focus – The HOME project: art – training – integration

mέta (Centre for Postcapitalist Civilisation), Focus Photography School, and The HOME Project unite in a three-party collaboration with a triple goal: the promotion of art education, namely photography, as a means of vocational orientation, the promotion of new creators, and the unobstructed integration of unaccompanied minor refugees.
The pilot project “Photo-Workshop in the HOME Project Shelters”, scheduled for a three-month duration, enables interaction between professors and students of Focus School and accommodated children, as well as a broader audience, in the framework of a process of mutual enrichment in professional or pre-professional skills, a process of refinement of empathy and intercultural approach, too.
In numerous consecutive sessions on the School’s premises as well as in The Home project shelters, supported by their professors, the photography students elaborate a seminar circle of courses in the framework of their internship, addressing the accommodated children, and work on cooperatively created material produced gradually, aiming at an exhibition of the original product as well as the compilation of snapshots from all stages of the cooperation. Great significance is allocated to the proper preparation of the artists, students, and professors, before their admission to the shelter as well as to the continuous monitoring mechanism, driven by The HOME Project mental health specialists. The experienced personnel of the shelter will be present at any given time during the courses.
Not only is mέta’s involvement in such a project a gesture of moral and practical support to the valuable work The HOME Project is contributing, but it also serves as experimentation in the field of creative commons and the empowerment of the beneficiaries, which constitute basic pillars of its policy.