Initiatives that highlight mέta’s agenda and engage the public either through established forms of public debate or artistic activities

Left and ‘governability’: what engagement with power, on which terms and for whose benefit?
15/11/2022 // 19:00 – 21:00 EET

Tuesday 15 November, 19.00, in the Greek language,
at “Trianon” cinema (Kodringtonos 21)
Free Admission | reservations:
In recent years the Left, however we define it, has attempted, not only in Greece but also in other European countries, to take up the challenge of governing in the midst of an unprecedented neoliberal attack on the subordinate classes. These ventures have been by and large a failure and no serious evaluation of them has been ventured in retrospect. There is ‘strategic silence’, if not adherence to the principles of the opponent, while the social strata in whose name the left speaks are plunged into degradation and passivisation, subjected to the blackmail of supporting the ‘lesser evil’ or simply avoiding the notorious ‘ungovernability’.
In this light, mέta | the Centre for Post-Capitalist Culture considers it urgent to return to the strategic debate, repelled by the absorption of an increasingly repulsive “political current affairs”. A return to the theoretical conquests (and unanswered questions) of the Left, as well as the invention in the new conditions of crisis of original forms of organization and political practice.
In this spirit, mέta is organizing on Tuesday, November 15, at 19.00, at the “Trianon” cinema (21 Kodrigtonos Street, Athens 104 34) an event on “Left and “Governability”.
Sissy Velissariou, Professor at the University of Athens, Vice-Chair of mέta’s Steering Committee.
Yannis Kouzis, Professor at Panteion University.
Alexis Smyrlis, Director of MeRA25’s Policy Planning and Director of MeRA25’s parliamentary group.
Panagiotis Sotiris, PhD in Philosophy, adjunct lecturer at the Hellenic Open University, journalist
Themis Tzimas, PhD in Public Law, lecturer at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
With an in intervention by Yanis Varoufakis, Professor at the University of Athens, MeRA25 Secretary, co-founder of DiEM25
Sotiris Mitralexis, PhD in Political Science, mέta’s research director