Initiatives that highlight mέta’s agenda and engage the public either through established forms of public debate or artistic activities

Sexual violence and abuse of the vulnerable: Timeless problems with a current cause
06/03/2021 // 20:00 – 22:00 EET
Apropos of current issues in Greece’s public discourse, i.e. the “Lignadis case” of alleged child abuses and rapes by the Director of Greece’s National Theatre, the Centre for Postcapitalist Civilisation (mέta)is inviting you to a livestreamed discussion on Saturday 6 March 2021, 18:30-20:30, on the topic:
Sexual violence and the abuse of the vulnerable: Roots of the problem beyond the current news cycle
How is the phenomenon of sexual violence against adolescents and vulnerable young adults related to the forms and structures of power in the Greek society? Which are the distinctive characteristics of adolescent abuse in our country and worldwide? How is the duty of their protection impeded by social stereotypes, lack of appropriate protocols and incurable lacunae in the way the state addresses the phenomenon? How do the minutiae of partisan politics occlude and disorient from the harsher aspects of sexual violence against the vulnerable?
—Mariniki Alevizopoulou, journalist, The Manifold
—Ioannis Vlachos, lawyer
—Maria Karakitsou, actress
—George Nikolaidis, psychiatrist, Greece’s spokesperson member at the the Lanzarote Committee of the Council of Europe (i.e. the Committee of the Parties to the Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse)
—Sarandos Theodoropoulos, lawyer
Host: Kostas Raptis, journalist, mέta’s press officer
The event will be livestreamed at the mέta’s YouTube Channel. Questions to the discussants may be sent via e-mail at: [email protected]