Initiatives that highlight mέta’s agenda and engage the public either through established forms of public debate or artistic activities

A generation under siege: Greek Youth between Crisis and Assertion
28/03/2023 // 18:30 – 21:30 EEST

Tuesday 28 March from 6.30 pm. at the “Sakis Karagiorgas II” amphitheatre of Panteion University
mέta | the Centre for Post-Capitalist Civilisation and Panteion University are organising the event “A generation under siege: Greek Youth between Crisis and Assertion” on Tuesday 28 March from 6.30 pm. at the “Sakis Karagiorgas II” amphitheatre of Panteion University, aiming at giving an overview of the suffocating landscape created by neoliberal educational “reforms”, miserable job prospects for the young, emigration, ubiquitous repression, the commodification of leisure time, lack of political representation.
The first part of the event, which will take the form of a round table, will bring together people with a background in research on aspects of Greek youth issues, while the second part will be an open process, where groups of young people will make interventions and present performances and the results of experiential workshops.
The speakers of the round table will be Yanis Varoufakis (Professor of the University of Athens, Secretary of MeRA25), Alexandra Koronaiou (Professor of Panteion University), Yannis Kouzis (Professor of Panteion University) and Alexandros Sakellariou (PhD in Sociology), while the journalist Agapi Varouni will moderate the event.
Afterwards, Katerina Botsari (PhD, candidate in ASFA, coordinator of the “ASFALESS” group) will present the experiential workshops that took place at the 5th Painting Laboratory of Athens School of Fine Arts, under the supervision of Professor Yannis Skaltsas.In addition, there will be the artistic intervention “Those who leave and those who stay” by a group of students of Panteion University, in context with DARE research programme, and a visualised presentation by a working group of the MeRA25 Youth Branch, and a discussion open to all present. Journalist Nektaria Psaraki will moderate the discussion.