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Conservative Turn in Greece’s Crisis – The ideological TINA is not written in stone

24/02/2021 // 20:00 22:00 EET

This presentation offers an overview of empirical data and its fluctuations over many years, such as data on the crisis of institutions and political ideologies. The presentation asks questions such as, how may political conservatism be defined? Is it on the rise in Greece? Or was it only an empowerment of right- wing policies that took place? Is Greek society’s conservative turn an unavoidable necessity, or does the pandemic offer a starting point for change?

Presentation:Yannis Mavris, PolSci PhD & Public Issue (chair)

Introduction: Sissy Velissariou

Professor of English Literature, University of Athens, vice-chair of mέta’s Steering Committee, member of MeRA25’s Political Secretariat

Host: Kostas Raptis, Press Officer, mέta