[Book in Greek] The 1981 Elections: assessing a crucial milestone in Greece’s recent history
Vassilis Asimakopoulos, Sissy Velissariou, Yannis Mavris, Chrysanthos Tassis
Testimony: Dimitris Livieratos
Intervention: Yanis Varoufakis
Edited by Kostas Raptis & Sotiris Mitralexis
published in Greek in TOPOS Books’ mέta series
18 October 2021 marked exactly forty years since PASOK’s first electoral victory. The “Change” of 1981 was the event that marked the Third Greek Republic like few others.
The limits, contradictions, integration and subsequent degeneration of PASOK (a journey that was less short than that of SYRIZA) and ultimately its actual death in the era of the memoranda do not negate the need to reflect on the post-metapolitefsi period as a whole, to reflect on the timeliness of the claims for national independence, popular sovereignty and social justice and, of course, to confront, in today’s very different circumstances, the question of claiming the socialist transformation that was posed at the beginning of the post-independence period by an ever-expanding section of Greek society.
In this book, Vassilis Asimakopoulos, Sissy Velissariou, Yannis Mavris and Chrysanthos Tassis – together with the testimony of Dimitris Livieratos and the intervention of Yannis Varoufakis – attempt an anatomy of the past with an eye to today and tomorrow.