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25 GREEK ARTISTS together on Julian Assange | The October show

October 15 – November 12, 2022
Gallery hours Wed-Sat 14:00-20:00
IFAC Athina
Galaxia 11, Neos Kosmos
Athens 117 45
Curated by Alia Tsagkari
Participating Artists: Anestis Anestis, Dafni Atha, Christoforos Botsis, Alexandros Georgiou, Kanarelis, Peggy Kliafa, Esmeralda Kosmatopoulos, Melina Kremezi, Miltos Manetas, Leandros Pigades, Artemis Potamianou, Ariana Darvis Tabar, Katerina Skassi, Lydia Venieri, and WOOZY.

*The site-specific installation by Miltos Manetas, involves works by the artists: Loukia Alavanou, Lizzie Calligas, Sokratis Fatouros, Yorgia Karidi, Kalliopi Nikolou, Leda Papacostantinou, Angelos Papadimitriou, Maria Papadimitriou, Panos Papadopoulos, Theokritos Papadopoulos, Ilias Papailiakis, Eva Papamargariti, Aemilia Papaphilippou, Angelo Plessas, Poka Yio, Madalina Psoma, Georgia Sagri, Danae Stratou, Panos Tsagaris, Jannis Varelas, Costas Varotsos, Kostis Velonis, Vana Xenou, Yioula Xatzigeorgiou, and the writer Apostolos Artinos.
In October 2015, IFAC Athina was established as a satellite studio/project space at 11 Galaxia Street, in the Neos Kosmos neighbourhood of Athens. Having run a seven-year trajectory of tracing and engaging with the multi-layered cartographies of contemporary art, IFAC Athina returns to capturing the uninterrupted immediacy of now through The October Show.
Defining our present-day Octobers, the show brings together theoretical inquiry and art practice to re-address the curatorial process and articulate the historical – social, political, and aesthetic – realities which encompass it.
Under this prism, The October Show is set out as a meta-situationist environment which embraces the uninterrupted flow of energy as the unifying element and appropriates free association as the methodological link between the works and the viewers. In this curatorial endeavour, Athens is the catalyst that communicates the essence of unity of a diverse cross section of artists.
Throughout the exhibition, we will be hosting discussions, screenings, performances.